Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Days 41 through 45 – More Rain, Some Yard Work, Visits to Museums – June 2 through 5, 2018

It rained through the weekend, which was fine with us since we were washing clothes, and cleaning out the trailer. Monday morning, however, started out nice and sunny. While Karen was out in the driveway organizing the trailer, a neighbor came by with the ‘community’ lawn mower and offered to leave it for me in case I felt like mowing Alison and Andrew’s yard. It’s been raining for so many days in a row here, that all the yards are overgrown with thick green grass. Remembering the farmer’s adage, ‘make hay while the sun shines’, I fired up the mower and went to work.

It was still nice weather in the afternoon, and Alison had commuted to work on her bicycle, so I rode into D.C. to join her for the return commute. Along the way, I snapped a few pictures on the National Mall.

Alison got us admission reservations for the newest Smithsonian museum, the National Museum of African American History and Culture, on Tuesday afternoon. Karen and I caught a city bus to the Metro Station and rode the Orange Line into the mall. We were early, so we took in a Paul Cezanne portrait exhibit (and the obligatory Napoleon painting) at the National Gallery of Art before heading over to the NMAAHC.

The NMAAHC provides a comprehensive overview of the African American experience, complete with lots of photos and artifacts (including guitars owned by Chuck Berry and Bo Diddley) documenting the many stories of individuals and families. Having just spent the past several weeks traveling up through the ‘low country’ and other southern states, it was interesting viewing these areas through the lens of African American history, as opposed to the tourist-oriented perspective of places such as Savannah, Charleston, Greensboro, and Edisto Island.

For dinner, Alison and Andrew’s friend and neighbor, Margaret, served us homemade pesto pasta. This is one of Andrew’s favorites, and now that we’ve had it, it’s one of ours, too. Thanks Margaret!

Next: Probably more museums, bicycle rides, and maybe a haircut and shave?

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