Saturday, June 2, 2018

Days 29 through 32 – Indoor Plumbing, NGIC Reunion, Return to the Wild – May 21 through May 24, 2018

We had our longest travel day yet driving from SC to NC – 8 hours on the road, mostly because of the many stops along the way to check out the clean and modern rest areas along the interstate and to have a hearty lunch at the Cracker Barrel near Columbia, SC. Our destination for the next two nights was Lewisville, NC.

Tom and Liz Layman opened up their home to us and invited us to stay with them while we were in the Winston-Salem area. Tom and I worked together for 25 years at National General Insurance Company. Liz and I actually worked together before that at Worldwide Insurance and then later at NGIC. They started out in California, and then moved to NC several years ago when Tom got promoted into a senior manager job.

They have a wonderful home and an even more wonderful family with their two sons, Will and John. We had a great time visiting with them and hearing about what they’ve been up to for the past few years. Their pet dog, Jasmine (Jazzy) took to Karen and slept in our room each of the nights we were there. I’m telling you, it was a little hard to think about sleeping in the Aliner again after spending two nights indoors in a real bed!

The second evening, we met up with my old (well, he’s not so old, but he’s my former) boss, George Hall for dinner in Winston-Salem. George, Tom and I experienced some pretty intense times together towards the end of my stint at NGIC. George and I worked together for nearly 20 years and he really helped me get through the last couple of years; and I think he went to bat for me in many situations during the height of the intensity. He’s a good guy.

George and his wife, Carolyn, brought us up to date on how their three successful daughters are doing as they made their transition from college years to careers. We also learned how George and Carolyn first met as college students, and after dinner we walked over to the actual site of the momentous event (which is an apartment house where their eldest daughter is currently residing!). George and I have been sharing stories about our families over the past 20 years or so (mostly by telephone), and it was nice to see each other face-to-face for a few hours. In today’s business environment, many of the relationships you develop are ‘virtual’, and I think you really have to treasure the times when you can see people in person.

From Lewisville, we headed to Asheville, NC to take in the Biltmore Estates tour. This is something you’ve got to see if you are curious about how the ‘one per-centers’ lived at the end of the 19th century. We were able to spend most of a day touring the mansion and the famous gardens.

From there, we headed to Weaverville, NC to the Aldi grocery store to stock up for our time in the wilderness with George B. and Roxanne at their property near Barnardsvile, NC. Karen was not impressed with Aldi – it started with the requirement that you deposit a quarter (25 cents) into a slot that allows you to use a shopping cart, and continued with the fact that they didn’t have all the items we wanted to buy, and was capped off by the somewhat recalcitrant attitude of some of the employees. Nevertheless, we got our supplies and set the GPS for Wah Haw Haw.

Tucked away in the Pisgah National Forest, is where George and Roxanne have their special getaway place. At about 3000 ft elevation, it’s much cooler than what we’ve been used to for the past several weeks. If you saw the movie, “The Last of the Mohicans”, you’ll have an idea of what it looks like around here. So far, we’ve done some light hiking, seen some local flora and fauna, and done some exploration of the local area. We’ve also had some authentic southern happy hour appetizers.

Next: Mt. Mitchell

1 comment:

  1., I cam't imagine Karen embracing the ALDI experience.
