Saturday, June 2, 2018

Days 34 through 36 – Hilly Hiking, A Kingly Visit, Orange Among the Green - May 26 through 28, 2018

Rain has been in the forecast ever since we got to North Carolina. Fortunately, it’s rained mostly at night or late in the afternoon after we’ve had our outdoor activities. Today (Memorial Day), it’s been raining since early this morning so this is a good time to put some notes together for upload once we return to the land of cellular reception.

George and Roxanne are feeding us like we’ve never been fed before out on the road: full breakfast, lunch and dinner is always served. They’ve also been great motivators for getting us out on the hiking trails each day. Their property tends toward the vertical, so each hike begins with a long uphill climb. We can also get our cell phones to work if we get high enough onto a ridge.

In this rain forest type of environment, everything always feels damp and it seems that green plants and flowers grow everywhere. In fact, the roads we walk are rarely used and it does not take long for them to become completely overgrown. We’ve done a lot of climbing over fallen trees, dodging wild blackberry vines (very thorny), and tiptoeing through stinging nettles.

Every so often, at the higher elevations, we find wild azaleas, mountain laurel and rhododendron in bloom. The azaleas, in particular, are striking because of the contrast of their orange color with the many shades of green in the forest. The eastern spotted salamander is also a standout with its bright orange color. And, we came upon another snake (4 ½ foot king snake) right outside our trailer – no screaming (by me, or Karen), so we must be getting used to being out in nature!

The rewards for the long uphill sections of the hikes include an all-downhill return trip, cocktails on the deck, and stories around the campfire. Now that the long holiday weekend is coming to an end, we’ll break camp and venture out and around the Appalachian Trail and the Blue Ridge Parkway for some camping at a couple of George and Roxanne’s favorite spots.

Next: BRP and AT

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