Saturday, June 9, 2018

Day 48 – Big Birds, Bikes, Bonsai – June 8, 2018

Alison took the day off and we struck out for Northeast Washington, D.C. to visit the National Arboretum. There’s a Capital Bike Share stand right at the entrance to the arboretum, so we (Karen, Alison and I) grabbed some bikes and rode in. The temperature and humidity were starting to rise, which made for more work on the hilly terrain (ask Karen about that).

Part of the arboretum was closed off because bald eagles were nesting in the area. We still got a chance to make it over to a viewing area with a telescope, where we saw two young eaglets high up in their nest.

On top of one of the nearby hills is a collection of sandstone columns standing alone in what looks, from a distance, like some kind of post-apocalyptic scene. It turns out that these columns were once located (from the 1820’s through the 1950’s) at the east portico of the U.S. Capitol building, until they were removed for a construction project to expand the building. Somehow, they ended up on the hill in the arboretum.

One of the arboretum highlights is the bonsai tree garden. On display here are amazing examples of bonsai trees that have been donated from private collections over the years. Some of these trees are very old. In fact, one of the trees (see below) has been growing in a pot since 1625 – nearly 400 years!

After an invigorating morning out in nature, we had a Hawaiian lunch in Shirlington, then went home to rest up for our evening activity: Friday Night in Herndon.

We finally met up with Stephanie and Stephan in Herndon. They’ve had busy work schedules for the past couple of weeks, so this was our first chance to get together. We sat out on the lawn in the square, listened to some 70’s and 80’s live music, and did some planning for our next round of activities. Stephanie came back to Arlington with us so we could do a little educational run the next morning.

Next: Ranger Run

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