Saturday, June 2, 2018

Day 37 – The Rain on Roan Falls Mainly on the Aliners – May 29, 2018

We left George and Roxanne’s NC place early this morning, stopped for some fuel and supplies and went into Tennessee to spend the day and night at Mount Roan. Roan is famous for the annual rhododendron blooms in late June every year. George says the place is crawling with people when that happens. Today, with a steady rain, wind and fog, we have the whole place to ourselves.

We’re camped in the bus/RV parking lot and we’re the only two vehicles there. We’ve taken a couple of short hikes among the rhododendron gardens and out to an overlook (visibility approx 1 foot) along a trail that resembled a mountain stream more than a walking path. 


We’ll be spending some time indoors today. Update: we invited George and Roxanne over to our Aliner for dinner tonight (we used our walkie-talkies so that we’d not have to get out into the rain and mud for trailer-to-trailer communication). It was a nice way to end the day. We had a great time telling stories and laughing about past and present adventures.

Next:  Hope it stops raining

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