Saturday, June 9, 2018

Day 49 – Jogging Through History, Full-Contact Scrabble, Saturday Night Pasta

Alison, Steph and I got up early this morning to get over to the Washington Monument Lodge to meet up with a National Park Service Ranger for an educational four mile run (history is fun when you run!) in and around the mall. The NPS puts on these runs the 2nd and 4th Saturday of the month with a different topic each week. Today’s topic: the 1918 Influenza Pandemic.

A small group of us (about four other runners) jogged over to the General Pershing monument, The U.S. Red Cross building, and the Washington, D.C. War Memorial. At each stop, the ranger gave us historical tidbits concerning the origin and spread of the flu pandemic. It was really quite interesting, and it was fun to be able to jog over to each new spot in between the talks.

When we got back to the house, Karen had already made us a great breakfast to help us recover from the early morning heat and humidity. Once we got cleaned up, it was time to motor over to the Port City Brewery in Alexandria, VA.

We took some snacks and a board game and set ourselves up in an upstairs tasting room. While we sampled the local brews, we engaged in a rowdy game of Scrabble. When Karen and the girls get together, the game becomes quite vocal and spirited.

For dinner tonight, it’s going to be home-cooked spaghetti.

Next: Prepare for next round of travel.

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