Saturday, June 8, 2019

Day 7 – Nenana River Walk, Evening Train, Friday Night (?) in Fairbanks

This was a rest day, of sorts. We got up and went for a little hike from our hotel to the NPS Visitor Center. Since the trail took us through areas of forest, Karen was on high alert for any wildlife that might be lurking within. She set up some good luck stones on a wall along the trail, and then headed into the wild.

We encountered one furry critter, who gave us a menacing glance. Other than that, we made it to the visitor center unscathed. We reviewed a 3-D map of the road into the Denali backcountry, then caught a shuttle back to the hotel to pick up our bags. On the way back, we saw a moose (from the safety of the bus) munching on some roadside snacks.

The last leg of our Alaska Railroad Gold Star train trip took us north through the quite scenic Nenana River Gorge. During dinner on the train, we sat with a young couple who were celebrating their 10th wedding anniversary. Brandon and Beth (and their three young daughters) live in Husila, AK, which is a small village halfway between Fairbanks and Nome. The only way to get there is by air. Brandon moved there several years ago to be a pastor for a church there. They told us interesting stories of life in a village where it is more economical for them to hunt their own food, than to order it flown in from outside retailers.

Once in Fairbanks, the sun was still high in the sky. We took a stroll through downtown, and then Karen convinced the hotel shuttle driver take us over to the local Walgreen’s for supplies.

It’s now about 11:00PM and the sun shows no signs of going down. We’ve got to be down in the lobby at 4:30AM to catch our ride up to the Arctic Circle town of Coldfoot. We won’t likely have a good connection up there, so we’ll do some updating once we return to Fairbanks on Sunday night.

Next: Arctic Circle

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