Saturday, June 15, 2019

Day 15 – The Sound and the Ferry – June 15, 2019

It seems the farther south we travel, the colder it gets. Believe it or not, our warmest days so far were when we went rafting north of the arctic circle. We awoke to another beautiful coastal Alaska spring morning – a steady rain and temperature in the low 40’s.

Today was a travel day. We checked in for the Valdez to Whittier auto ferry at 6:00AM and had a relaxing light breakfast in the car while waiting in line to board. All was quiet and serene, except for the sound of the ancient VW camper idling ahead of us, with its exhaust gently wafting into our air vents.

As we pulled away from the dock, the mountains were partially hidden by the fog and the rain.

We rode on the 235 foot long ferry, ‘Aurora’. The trip from Valdez to Whittier is 77 nautical miles (90 statute miles) through Prince William Sound, a distance we covered in a leisurely 5 hours and 45 minutes.

The first thing we saw as we came in close to Whittier, was a bright neon glow off in the misty distance. Through the binoculars, we could see the hazy outline of a hulking structure with a huge digital screen display on top. After several minutes, we were near enough to see that it was a Princess Cruise ship docked in the harbor. It dwarfed everything else, including all the buildings, in the area. Coming into the harbor, it reminded me of the sensation you get when you drive across the desert and start to get close to Las Vegas. First you see the glow, and then you see the skyline way off on the horizon.

We squeezed our way down to the auto deck and somehow found our car packed in between all the campers and RV’s. It was still raining and even a little more windy when we drove off the ferry.

Our wait for the Whittier tunnel was only about 30 minutes. 

Before long, we were at the Portage Visitor Center just in time for Karen to visit the pelt display. Although there were some initial  barriers, she was able to 'break on through to the otter side'.

It continued raining steadily all the way down the Seward Highway. Also, we are now noticing a lot more traffic than we’ve seen anywhere else on this trip. The scenery, however, continues to dazzle us.

Next: Kenai Fjords National Park Boat Tour

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