Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Day 18 – Farewell, Alaska – We’re Going to Moose You – June 18, 2019

We slept in this morning, grabbed some great pastry and sourdough pancakes at the Bake Shop in Girdwood, then got on AK Highway 1.

Our first stop was Bird Point. No birds, but we did some pointing. We also saw the tide rushing out from Turnagain Arm. The bore tide schedule was not in our favor, so we did not get a chance to see the tide rushing back in later this evening.

The next stop was Potter Marsh Bird Sanctuary. The modern origins of this spot are directly related to the building of the Alaska Railway. It seems the leftover soil and other detritus from constructing the rail bed was all pushed into the marshy area that is now Potter Marsh. Over the course of several years, many streams have run through there creating perfect conditions for a wildlife marsh. The State of Alaska has set up several raised boardwalks over the marsh. This lets people look directly down onto the flora and fauna that thrive there.

As soon as we walked out onto the boardwalk, we saw two very young moose calves learning to forage in the wetlands.

Their mother was also in attendance.

And so, our Alaska adventure ends.

Next: I'm standing at a charging kiosk in the Anchorage Airport finishing up this last post. Now we wait for our red eye flight home.

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