Friday, May 18, 2018


Today we drove over to Tybee Island. Tybee is a cute little Party island!
It was raining, but the crowds were still out and about; getting ready for a water pistol parade. The parade wasn’t due to start until 6:00 but we were advised to keep our windows up because, you know, some of us just cant wait…
We checked out the pier, drove around some of the homes that have been around since the 1800’s and then over to the Lighthouse. This lighthouse is the third largest lighthouse in the country. It sits on the shores of the entrance to the Savannah River and has been guiding mariners for over 300 years.We climbed the 178 steps to the top (oh, where is my Fitbit when I need it!) and enjoyed a very all-encompassing view of the island. I was laughing at Steve hugging the walls of the lighthouse experiencing some major acrophobia when Karma came back to bite me. A huge downpour let loose suddenly as only these thundershowers here in the South can. Running to the doorway to get in out of the deluge, the door stuck! Apparently, water and moisture will do that to wood. I was pounding on the door, signaling to the folks inside, OK maybe, YELLING. By the time we all ( I can say that ya know cuz they say y’all here) got that door open I was soaked to the skin. Luckily, half our belongings are in the car, so I had a change of clothes. The next time someone at a lighthouse offers to take your umbrella for you because it may be a lightning rod, don’t give it to her!
We had to get back to the campsite on Skidaway Island to move our trailer to another site since we decided to stay another night. We are burning the last of the firewood as we sit around after dinner. Steve is playing his uke with the frogs, cicadas and birds joining in. We are headed into South Carolina and they have very strict rules about bringing firewood in from elsewhere. I’ll see if I can get Steve to ride in a horse-drawn carriage with me. I would like to see some of the anti-bellum homes if we can.
We have learned not to make too many plans and just let what happens, happen. Now, if only we can reach that same laissez-faire attitude with each other!!  LOL!!

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