Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Day 16 – Bizarre Bug, Private Fireside Chat, Museum Meandering – May 8, 2018

While taking the ‘gray’ water over to the camp dump station this morning, I ran into a strange insect. I don’t know if it is a naturally-occurring bug, or the result of long exposure to toxic RV waste. Anyway, it looked up at me with its big googley eyes and started hopping up and down and making a clicking noise. After about 30 seconds of that, we agreed to go our separate ways.

Today was museum day at the National WWII Museum. Karen started off with a short (one-sided) chat with a rather stiff looking FDR, and then we entered the museum.

We bought the deluxe admission, which includes a ‘4-D’ movie and a simulated submarine ride. The film was interesting, but the special effects were, in my opinion, not effective (or special, for that matter) and they were really not necessary. The submarine simulation was kind of hokey, but it told a pretty compelling story of the last voyage of the U.S.S. Tang.

I recommend the museum to anyone wanting to learn more about WWII. Growing up in the 1950’s and 1960’s and watching Hollywood films about the war, the characters were always portrayed by actors in their 30’s or 40’s. The exhibits here make it very clear that it was men and women in their late teens/early 20’s who fought this war.

The exhibits are a blend of overviews of various battles and many personal artifacts and oral histories of the people involved in the war. As usual, I stopped to read as many of the detailed exhibits as I could and I lost track of time. Before we knew it (well, Karen knew it), it was nearly 4:00PM and we hadn’t even eaten lunch yet. We grabbed a quick bite at the museum restaurant and returned to camp to get set for tomorrow’s trip.

Next:  We don’t know yet, but we’re leaving Louisiana…

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