Saturday, May 19, 2018

Day 27 – Crab Run, I Saw The Sign, Seashell Searching at the Seashore

Woke up, fell out of bed, dragged my hand across my head. Found my way outside and grabbed a map, and looking up I noticed I was late. Found my shirt and grabbed my hat, made the trailhead in seconds flat… Well, it was kind of like that when I started the day with a five-miler on the Skidaway nature trails. There was me and a gazillion little crustaceans out there and no one else.

We went to South Carolina today and that’s where “I Saw The Sign”. It was right there along Highway 17. It said, “ACE Basin” and immediately a little earworm began to grow in my head (you know the one). Anyway, it turns out that ACE is an acronym for three rivers that feed into what is one of the largest undeveloped estuaries on the east coast of the U.S. One of those rivers is the Edisto River. We are spending the next two nights at Edisto Island State Park, which is right on the coast just south of Charleston.

Karen and I went out to the beach this afternoon and found lots of seashells. We even saw some psychedelic-looking sea foam floating in the breeze and on the surf – so many colors. We also checked out the little beach community of Edisto Beach. The grocery store on the corner is called the ‘Bi-Lo’ – we’ll have to see if that’s the case.

The coastline around here has so many rivers, inlets and bays that there is no direct route from our campground into Charleston. So, tomorrow we’ll backtrack a little and get back onto Highway 17 to get into town. We plan to spend the day there, rain or shine. And the forecast calls for lots of the former.

Next: Charleston

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