Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Thru Texas- day 1

Well, we are out of New Mexico and dropping down into Texas from the north.We are headed South, eventually meeting up with Interstate 10 again. It seems I have become the keeper of the maps, navigator, reservationist. We seem to be spending more time in Tx than we planned, but that's OK. We have some interesting stops coming up.

Today's park boasted long horn cattle and bison viewing. I dont know what kind of cruel trick the State of Texas Parks is playing but the only ones we saw are of the metal, two dimensional type. Apparently, we are also to be on the lookout for mama fox and her kits and porcupines. Nature has chewed me up already. I have bites all around my ears, face and neck. Like Carrie Underwood, there will be no pics!

After consulting with Jim Mertz as to my choice of pie or carrot cake from the Cowboy Cafe; his urging that I "go with the locals' resulted in Pecan Pie for desert tonite. So much for clean eating and losing weight this trip! I may be on a quest for The Best Carrot cake....

The weather has started getting noticeably more humid, cant go as long without a shower!!

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