Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Day 9 – Saucer Shaped Flapjacks, Vanquished Venison, San Angelo Scenery – May 1, 2018

The Cowboy Café in downtown Roswell, located right across the street from the Roswell Farm Supply Store, is the place where the locals get carbed-up for their workday. After a hearty breakfast of flying saucer-sized pancakes, biscuits and gravy, eggs and bacon, we went east on the 380 toward Texas.

You immediately climb out of the pecan orchards and dairy pastures up to over 4000’ as you leave Roswell. After crossing into Texas, you go through the town of Brownfield, which should really be called Redfield since the freshly plowed cotton fields have a brick red color to them. Scattered among the fields are many oil well pumps, a few flaming methane pipes, and lots of huge wind turbines. It’s been very windy for the past two days and from the looks of the landscape, this is not an unusual occurrence.

Turning south on Highway 87, we entered some hilly country dotted with large groves of mountain laurel trees near the town of Big Spring (Karen checked some Wiki facts and found that the opening scenes of the 1969 film, ‘Midnight Cowboy’ were shot in Big Spring. 

From this town all the way to San Angelo I saw dozens of freshly-road-killed deer along both sides of the highway. It must be migration season or something. In any case, it’s not a good season from a deer’s perspective.

San Angelo State Park is on the reservoir of O.C. Fisher Lake. The lake was having a ‘bad hair’ day when I snapped a picture on my brief afternoon nature walk. At least I got a few good shots of the local wildflowers. Dinner tonight is Walmart rotisserie chicken and salad. 

No fire or BBq allowed. Burn Ban in effect.

Tomorrow:  The hill country of Texas.

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