Saturday, October 16, 2021

DAY 16 - Spit In The Wind, Stroll In The Sun, No Bikes Today - October 16, 2021

 With a stiff 20 mph wind blowing this morning, we decided not to ride bikes. Instead, we drove up to the northeast corner of Lopez Island to see Spencer Spit State Park.

As the road drops down toward the beach, you can see a long stretch of sand and gravel going out eastward from the shore. At the end of this spit is a narrow channel with a big rocky island (Frost Island) just beyond it. The water between the spit and the island is like a rushing river flowing from south to north. The strong winds from the south today were making the current even stronger, and they were also making it difficult to walk in a straight line along the exposed shoreline.

Next, we drove over to the northwest side of the island to visit Upright Channel Park. A feature of most of these beach access trails is a steep drop down to the beach from the trailhead. This means a steep walk back. Karen decided two hikes today were enough for her.

As the sun began to come out, we drove over to the Shark Reef Park trailhead and Karen let me take a quick walk out to see the view. The trail starts through a boggy section of forest before it gets to the edge. From the cliffside trail, you can then look west and see Friday Harbor (San Juan Island) and the Cattle Point Lighthouse just across the channel. The ocean current here was also surging very strongly from south to north.

Later in the afternoon, Karen visited the local quilt studio while I took a little hike to Lopez Hill. The hill is located in the central part of the island and has a network of trails that wind up to the summit. There is no view from there because the hill is covered in a dense mossy forest.

Today is the start of hunting season for all types of firearms on the island, but I decided (like yesterday) not to wear the safety vest provided at the trailhead by the San Juan County trail volunteers. I didn’t see another person on the trail until the last 500 yards, when I saw a guy dressed in fatigues and a bright orange vest standing just ahead of me. He was carrying a very long 12 gauge shotgun over his shoulder as he peered into the forest along the trail. I asked him if he’d seen anything yet (they hunt for deer here), and he said he had not. I did some quick-stepping back to the car. As I drove away, I could see at least two other guys in bright hunter’s vests hunkered down in stalking positions in the bushes lining the road. I guess the first day of hunting season must be the best (but maybe not the best day for hiking) one.

Back at the inn, we ordered take out dinner from a local restaurant and played some Scrabble in the large front parlor room. We head back to the mainland tomorrow.

NEXT: Adventures in Everett

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