Tuesday, October 12, 2021

DAY 12 - Over to Orcas Island - October 12, 2021

 This morning we took a short drive on Pear Point Road around the peninsula just east of Friday Harbor. We stopped at Jackson Beach, which is strewn with large driftwood logs. 

As we circled back toward town, we got a good view of snow-covered Mt. Baker (elevation 10,420 ft.) way off to the northeast on the mainland.

By this time, our inter-island ferry was ready to take us to Orcas Island.

The ferry route took us to the northeast and up between several islands and through some narrow straits. Our first stop was Shaw Island, where one car got off and four cars got on. Just across a narrow channel is the ferry dock for Orcas Island, which is where we’ll spend the next two nights.

The sky was dark and it was beginning to rain as we drove north on Orcas Road for about 11 miles to get to the West Beach Resort. We’re staying in a beachfront cabin/cottage that is about 5 steps from the water. In the summer, this beach is likely crowded with swimmers and sunbathers. Today, not so much. Rain is forecast for the rest of tonight and into tomorrow morning.

Since our cabin has a full kitchen, we decided to go into the nearby town of East Sound and stock up on some groceries. Karen made our first home-cooked meal in over two weeks. We enjoyed chili tonight, and we’ll make pancakes, eggs and sausage tomorrow for breakfast. It’s nice to just take a little break and hang out in the cabin.

NEXT: Explore Orcas Island

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