Wednesday, October 4, 2023

IRELAND and SCOTLAND - Day 4 - October 4, 2023


Today was a travel day to Killarney. Our original plan was to drop slightly south and see the Lismore Castle. A little further research showed that we’d not be able to get inside the castle, which is privately owned, so we decided to go toward Tipperary and see the Rock of Cashel.

GPS took us northwest on narrow roads through rolling pastureland for just over an hour, until we reached the town of Cashel in Tipperary County. During the drive we steadily gained elevation. The terrain was still rural, but it became a little more forested. Hedgerow lined roads gave way to canopy roads lined with sycamore, spruce, fir and various hardwoods. Some were starting to turn golden in color and in a few places leaves were falling as we passed through.

Coming up the road into the little town of Cashel you suddenly see a huge stone structure sitting on top of a large outcropping. It seems to pop out of nowhere into your field of vision. It dwarfs the town below.

This is the legendary Rock of Cashel, which is a collection of cathedral structures dating from the 12th to the 15th century. It holds a special place in Irish history and you can read more about that on the internet.

After our exploration of the Rock, we walked down to the town for lunch. Laura talked to a local shopkeeper, who recommended Feehan’s Pub. The weather was turning colder and it was nice to find a table by the fireplace to have a great lunch.

A two hour drive southwest and then northwest on a combination of motorways and narrow country lanes got us to Killarney in time for dinner. The weather here near the west coast is cooler and rainy. The forecast calls for some good old fashioned Irish weather tomorrow, so we’ll pack our raincoats. 

NEXT: Gap of Dunloe tour 

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