Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Another Hot Day - Icebergs Ahead – Temple Rehab – August 18, 2020


Having just come into the Mountain Time Zone last night, we decided to sleep in this morning. We got started north at 9:30AM. By then, it was already well into the 90’s and Karen was loving it. With the eastern sun shining into the passenger-side window, we were soon on the hunt for a window screen. We found a small one at an auto parts store in Beaver, UT, but it didn’t provide enough shade. Several miles later, in American Fork, we stopped at a Wal Mart and found a larger one. By that time, the sun was on the west side of the car, so we’ll find out tomorrow how the new shade works.

Today was mostly a driving day. We climbed up and down the rolling terrain just to the west of Kolob Canyon, the Pahvant Range, the San Pitch Mountains, and finally the Wasatch Range as we went north on I-15. Even though we were always at 4000’ to 6000’ elevation, the temperature was in the high 90’s. On this stretch of highway, the speed limit is 80mph and the big rigs make sure you go at least that fast – otherwise, they’ll run you down.

When we got to Salt Lake City, we were ready for lunch. Karen found us a vintage local drive-through called the Iceberg Drive-in. Their featured refreshment is a milk shake. We got the regular size shake, each of which contained almost a half gallon of ice cream. You could hardly lift the things with one hand.




With a week’s supply of milkshakes in our cup holders, we cut across town to the Temple Square area. The last time I was in downtown Salt Lake, back in the summer of 1967, there weren’t many high rise buildings and it was easy to spot the famous temple from a distance. Now, the surrounding buildings dwarf the old temple and you don’t see it until you’re right next to it.




Also, the temple is undergoing a multi-year structural retrofit and is closed to the public. We parked and got out to walk around the grounds and snap a few photos. When we got back to the car, my milkshake (which was by then about 90 minutes old) was still frozen. I finally finished it about 45 minutes later when we reached Ogden. No need for dinner tonight!


Temple Assembly Hall.


Eagle Gate Arch on the corner of State Street and Temple, which is an homage to the original arch Brigham Young had there as the entrance to his property.


The Utah State Capitol building.


Karen cooling off near Temple Square.



 Next: Golden Spike National Historic Park and West Yellowstone


  1. HBD SW! Love the posts! Karen - what are you reading these days?! Safe travels and stay cool! 🌺

    1. Hi, Tia
      We were to go to Ireland and Scotland in April so I found an entertaining Irish author.
      His name Caimh McDonald who writes about a PI and the second is Lawrence Block , not Irish,who writesabout a charming cat burglar

  2. Great pics. . . stay cool! Happy birthday Steve
