Thursday, April 26, 2018

Day 4 - Benson and Batwoman - April 26, 2018

Day 4 – WalMart, Kartchner, Batwoman, and Kampfire – April 26, 2018

Today was travel and grocery shopping. The Benson Super WalMart had everything we needed to resupply the Aliner.

The Kartchner Caverns State Park Campground is one of the nicer ones we’ve visited. It’s up at higher altitude than the Tucson area, which means it’s about 10 degrees cooler and has a cooling breeze.

We went over to the visitor center and made reservations for a cave tour on Sunday morning. Karen prepared for the event by getting into character (see below).

As often happens when we’re traveling with the Aliner, we got lots of questions about it. This led to us meeting two other couples who are camping near us. After dinner we all met at their campsite for a fire, some stories and some cowboy songs. We’ll likely visit with them again over the next couple of days here at the campground.

Tomorrow:  Bisbee, Tombstone and ?

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