This was
another travel day, but we caught a couple of wonders of the southwest. First
stop was the White Sands National Monument. The 8 mile loop road is paved for
part of the way and the remainder is on hard packed white sand. There was a
brisk wind blowing today and driving down the road was very much like driving
in a snowstorm – without the cold. We ran up and down the dunes in our bare
feet and the sand felt almost cool to the touch even though the air temperature
was in the high 70’s. The visitor center, built in the 1930’s, has good
information on how the dunes were formed from the breakdown of gypsum on a dry
lake bed.
Sometimes, when out in the desert, you start to see double - looks like two Karens out there!
From there,
we headed up over Apache Pass (elevation 7500’) through the town of Ruidoso and down into
the hotbed of space alien conspiracies and cover-ups: Roswell, NM.
With the racing pulse of
anticipation, we went directly to the International UFO Museum and Research
Center on Main Street. Our excitement was intensified when we learned the admission price for
seniors was only $3. Let me tell you, the experience was worth every penny
(even the penny we crushed in the souvenir penny machine)!
Located in
what likely was once the best movie theater in town, the museum/research center
is ground zero for those who crave a kitschy look at mysterious events that
began in July 1947 when a local rancher discovered the remains of both a flying
saucer and its purported occupants. To lend a touch of academic credibility to
the whole thing, there is even a ‘Research Room’ lined with shelves of archival
material related to local space alien activity.
Tonight is
laundry night and leftover taco night. Tomorrow is Big Spring, TX.