Monday, November 6, 2017

Getting out of Town

Got the itch to take the trailer out midweek on Oct. 10th. Apparently, it was a wise choice because the temperatures soared that week. We had wanted to head further south but couldn't get in to the beach sites in South County, so we ended up at our stand-by beach campground - San Clemente State Beach.
I had received a hammock as a birthday gift, which was the first thing we set up after the trailer, of course. The hammock was soon occupied by some "homeless man".

Don't let this pic fool you tho - Steve's idea of fun always includes some kind of exercise: a walk, a hike, a bike ride. Me, I'm happy just plopping down in a beach chair. We had the whole beach to ourselves.
Evening sunsets were memorable.
Nature Encounter
and a stroll to the pier.
Came home and the heat wave was over. We started preparing for our DC/NYC trip and got out of town just in time to beat the next heat wave.

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